Friday, May 30, 2008

Spring Never Ends

It has be a prolonged spring this year. We still have not smelled the air of summer time. The temperature can still drop to the middle 40s. This endless spring is pleasant and lush. At the same time, it is like a long torture chamber since my allergy just can not leave me alone. Our garden is still in making and look better every day. But vegetable have not grown much since the temperature is just a bit low.

Peony heaven is back to Athens. It is just delightful. We finally made the bamboo fence . It is so worthwhile working two steaming afternoon last year. Otherwise we never have all the free material. Hopefully our garden will finally take shape next year.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Please Help!!!

Yesterday our Chinese co-workers planed to launch a relief donation campaign inside the company. I asked Sammy to help make the post for display. I went through hundred of images. It is just heart breaking. I am not able to imagine what have been going through for thousands and thousands family. I hope that everyone can open heart to help . Thank Sammy for the beautiful work.

Please click the image to get information if you like to help and donate.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Charleston - A beautiful Swing

We drove 9 hours South to Charleston and celebrated our friend JP's 40th birthday. It is hard to believe this is very first time I visited this Southern charm after I lived in South for more than 10 years and left. We really had a wonderful time -beautiful weather, blue ocean, white beach, charming court yard cafe.... Especially once favorite plant - my elegant fig vine.

At the same time, it is a bit beyond expectation in the term of sanity. $38,000 price tag for a pair of stone lion heads -Sold, $42,000 for a library mobile stair. My $180 marble plant stand here can be asked for $1,200 there. Go figure that people are happy or crazy or a lot of bitchy rich divorced wife to burn some real green to vent the anger. After all it is a beautiful city. Finally Sammy had chance to visit his last project(finish after he left) of his old company - Charles Town Landing. That was really fun.