Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Let Be Not Political

It has been a while since my last posting. I am not sure what it is - laziness, preoccupied, or not motivated? Finally tax time is over. Even we always get a good refund but I am just not fond of filing until the very last minute.

I have been astonished how far it can go away from facts by Western media regarding Tibet. When I just come to the State, I was so puzzled why Dalai Lama is such a darling in the West and was rewarded Nobel Peace Prize.

I am not sure if anyone in the West knows what it was when Dalai was in Tibet or just do not want to know or pretend to not know. In old Tibet, Dalai was the ruler of the region and the head of the religion. And the system which he represented was called serfdom. American had slavery and serfdom can only be worse. First of all, Why did not Western media ask this basic question? Why have not we seen any prominent scholars in the West present the very facts to the public?

Dalai is such a darling for the West. But he embodies everything against Western ideals. When do we start forgetting the founding principle of this country - separate church(religion) from government. Principle demonstrates the great wisdom of our founding fathers. When some question why Dalai has many followers, hello, my stupid fellow liberals. It is called religion. When we strongly oppose Christian right to influence our government in this country, suddenly we are so retarded to apply the same principle to Dalai.

When Dalai claims often that China conducts culture genocide, monks should have been long gone or go underground instead of monks up close to 10% population, all temples should have been long gone instead of the best preserved heritage, no one should have been allowed to speak Tibetan publicly instead of Tibetan taught in School. Dalai can lie!

The next time when you put a stick "liberate Tibet" on the ass of your car, go to study and know a bit more of Tibet -yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Every time when Tibet brings in some new development, it will immediately be questioned to destroy Tibet's culture and tradition. What a hypocrite we are! It is iPod and iPhone age for us, be owned as serf for majority Tibetan. Liberal ?= progressive.Be not ignorant liberals even though your intention might be good.

Dalai is also cold war legacy. Some of Western politician and elites do not feel comfortable to witness the rise of China and fear losing the high ground to make definitions for others. The more fear, the quicker these days numbers.

China is far from perfect today. I may not agree with Chinese government or totally content with some situation in China today (thanks for being so Americanized^^). But it is definitely undeniable fact that today's China is many times better than when I left almost twenty years ago. Tibet is absolutely hundred times better than when Dalai was there. When the fact is respected, thing becomes simple.

1 comment:

Sam said...

I am constantly amazed by how the media cranks this up, over and over, and how it is all over the NON-mainstream news that the footage they are showing is of violence that is not even in Tibet!! And even more amazed that people buy it, hook, line and sinker.

We have a real authority problem here in the USA. Noone trusts Congress or the President, yet they believe anything out of the mouths of the CNN babes. I guess we all need something to hang on to.

You have to get us that book about the CIA's secret war in Tibet mister. I really want to read it. And then i want to pass it on to Richard Gere.