Thursday, September 07, 2006

When Weed becomes Vegtable

When I planned to put bracken roots along our front curb, I had to remove a lot of dirt in order to make the soil level with the curb. The lawn level was much higher than the curb. I can not figure it out since none of previous owners we know were gardeners. But it was not an easy task to remove and move all the extra dirt. My body had ached for days after I completed the mission.

After having bracken planted, I was constantly checking to see if brack sprout broke the ground. Well, I observed zillions of tiny sprouts came up. I knew they were not bracken. I suspected that my mom might put some other veg seeds without my consent. well sometimes she is a bit of crazy to use every inch of yard to grow vegtable. That surely is not what I vision for my garden. I used to constantly check on her. Well that is not the case this time.

However I was so puzzeled what those new tiny sprouts are. It did not take too long for us to identify what they are. It is a kind of wild vegtable and herb. In China, we calls it MaShaHan. My mom picked up some of them and made a dish from it. It is quite tasty. It tasks like Bean Sprout. Of course, Sammy just barely touched that dish. Somehow he has a mental block to associate a weed with a vegtable. Well all today's vegtable is discovered weed from Yesterday.

Now Bracken plants are sprouting everywhere among this wild vegtable. I am not sure what I will do with it. What really fascinats me is that all the seeds were buried for a long time until I stired and remove some of dirt. Surely Bracken is beautiful. It has the gracefulness of fern but low maintanence. It loves full sun and can tolerate dry condition. I can not wait for its full growth.


Anonymous said...

No way!!!! Your mother cooked weeds from the front yard!! Do you love that woman?!! So I'm not buying that some wild herb from China came up in your front yard and I'm probably with Sam on not eating it, but with the right seasoning.... Everytime I walk by your house on Braithwood I tell Keith and Millie that Xiangdao (sp?) would never have left that debris in the front yard. It's a mess. And their dogs poop in Jackson's yard. He confronted them of course, but not sure it will help. Jackson said there's a HUGE zuchinni growing up the side of your house!!

We had dinner with Frank and Sadie. Total Italian meal with homemade meatballs and Jackson came too. It was fun. Sadie called the spaghetti sauce gravy and put it on the table in gravy boats. Keith said he saw the same thing on the Sopranos. Wow, very authentic.

Please look up artcle on CDC morale in Sunday's 09/09 paper. It made the lead article on the front page. Our director, Julie Gerberding, is a total Bush lapdog and is ruining the agency. It's a disgrace. Can't wait for the elections this fall.

Cool spell in ATL, but mosquitos are still in full force. Have a good Monday at Nationwide (not Comcast or Earthlink... : )

Steven said...

We read that AJC's article. CDC is not alone but suffers more. When a orginization like CDC is supposed to be science centric and has be forced to be guided by Mighty God, that is what we got. It is so sad.

I hope that election will make difference. Just not sure that common sense has been restored in our country. Still not many reasons to be optimistic.