Sunday, August 27, 2006

Routine Starts Becoming Normal

I have been commuting between Athens and Columbus daily for exact two weeks. The new job in Nationwide is fine and I had a conversation with my mananger. Evetually I will be able to work from home most of the week. It is a nice drive with a beatiful countryside landscape even though it is long. It will not bad at all to commute once or twice a week.

Sammy's moms came and have a 10 day visit. We are so glad to see them again and have a wonderful time together. They had a chance to sample some of this Southwest Ohio town and surrounding area - farmer's market on Saturday, Zoe restaurant in a tiny town, Glass House Work nursery(Harmony in Mess), visiting Ohio oldest city Mariatta and Columbus. My mom made delicious Chinese dishes. Of course I just had to show off my signature Spaghetti Chinese Meat Ball. I surely love them to visit us often.

Well, I still tried to have our yard in order. Sammy and I are going to make backyard patio and some path ways with flagstone. I am so looking forward to it if we are ever able to have 10 tones slate put in place. By the way, my recently planted bracken are sprouting along with tone of a wild vegatable(we did not plant them). Sugar maple was order and red maple is in the ground. My vision to mingle sugar maple with gold leaf and hot red leaf will become reality. Hopefully the vision is what I expect in reality.

Some pictures to share:


Sam said...

Geez I love that my nose is as big as the cat's entire head. For all y'all wondering who that other cat is, it is Lilly, our neighbor cat. She is soooooo friendly, and comes to visit all the time. Only now Ms. Gorme has started to figure out what's going on, weeks late, and trys to chase Lilly away whenever we shower her with attention. So embarrassing.

Steven said...

Sure I think that bracken should grow in Atlanta. But I have not never seen it growing in Atlanta

Anonymous said...

Sure do miss you two. Sounds like your new boss and company are soooo much better than Comcast. Hope that telecommuting thing works out. AND sitting outside with no mosquitoes--are you kidding--heavenly. Your neighbors are going to be shocked to see how quickly that yard comes together. What is Bracken anyway?

Steven said...

We miss you too. I hope that Athens will be on the top of list for your second house. Sammy and I have been already imagining how great it would be if you are our neighor again.

Yes, I am so glad that I left Earthlink. Everything works out just fine. My manager does not have any problem that I work from home most of the week. On the tope of it, I even can get medical insurance for my mom from my company.