Saturday, January 20, 2007

When The Toaster Popped

One morning, We got up early to start another day without kitchen. We finally demolished the kitchen completely. A mini temporary one was set up in the bathroom next to the kitchen since it is the only place to have tap water. We stacked up toaster, microwave and mobile oven wherever we can in the tiny bathroom.Sammy's mom and BC bought the oven for us when they visited here. It is surely very helpful. Thanks Pat and BC! We actually can find way to cook very decent meals with what we have.

Back to that morning. We were in hurry. As usual, Sammy had the bagels in the toaster and left them alone before popping. He went back to pick them up a while after the pop. Well the bagels were gone by then. It did not take long before our bagels were found floating in the toilet. No effort was needed to have it in but was a bit dirty job to have them out. Now we know well of minding our bagel when having them toasted right behind the toilet.

That night, I felt that I had to cook some Chinese outside on the grill after eating out because of demolition and sawdust. It was a bit cold but pleasant night. I realized flakes starting flowing around. I reacted to cover my food on the stove. Sawdust come to my mind before the flakes melted on my hands. it felt soft and smooth. It was simply beautiful to touch and feel this magic surrounding - snowing while cooking. I know that we will have this wonderful feeling everytime we cook in our new kitchen when our hard work is complete and vision turns into reality. I can not wait while I have been enjoying work in progress before wait is over.


Anonymous said...

heyy just wondering why did you move to usa? instead of staying in china and what do you work as , your occupation.

ps. your plants are really nice!(:

Sam said...

nice post mister. Hopefully, cooking in the snow will be *optional* in about a week. I can't wait!

Steven said...

Hi anonymous: Thanks for droping by. I came to the States as a graduate student in the early 90s. I work in IT industry. Hopefully one day I will bring that sense and sensibility of fine living back to China. In general Chinese is just not up to their history, culture and tradition at this moment.