Sunday, April 05, 2009

Food, House and Woods

It was another perfect Spring day. I got up at 9:00 and was about to put my work shoes on before was stopped. Well I tried to finish my garden work before going to have brunch in Bob and Laiyee's house at noon. But I had to sit down to have my breaky by "force". Still I managed to have a couple of hours to wrap up my work afterward.

We had very pleasant brunch - home-made spinach wonton. It is yummie. Laiyee really like to show us this house for sale near hers since she knows that it is in our alley. She is absolutely right. It is a rustic mod built by a couple of a sculpture artist and a professor a while long ago. We just can smell the originality of 60's. We almost love every bit of it. We would not hesitate a second to make an offer if it went to the market when we looked for a house. The view is awesome right on the top of the ridge. Thing can be so attractive when it is understated. It is the beauty of authentic modern.

It is perfect day to have a convertible ride. We went back to the house and had a raspberry pie before going to Bob and Laiyee's back yard which is 17 acre of woods. We always find something new or surprise there. Today is no exception and we found three morrel mushroom. We made a delicious soup tonight. Incredible cliff and beautifully created Japanese Moss garden by the nature.

Yeah it is simply pleasant afternoon - food, friends, authentic modernism and the nature. It makes Monday even harder for us.


Sam said...

Boy do i love that mod house. But not as much as our Craftsman. We'll have another mod house someday mister.

Ice John's World said...

That house looks cool! Must be a nice spring trip!

Steven said...

Hi John: It is more like a neighbor errand since Laiyee's house is only 4 minutes from us inside town. That is so amazing her house is surrounded bt 17 acres of woods. The mod house is another three minutes from hers.

r. said...

Nice place indeed... buuuut I still like the photos with people in them the best!! Always great to see you both in action! heh!

xo, r