Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Curb Finally Appea(l)rs

I have been working in the yard during the past several days. Today, I mowed the lawn with new sharped lawn mower. I have had this lawn mower for more than 8 years. It is a good one. However I never have had it serviced. The blades were so dull.

I chatted with our next door neighbor Michael several days ago to see if he could recommend a service shop. He told me that he could sharp the blades for me. Well I said that I could pay him for the help. He told me plainly NO Money. We have become good friends with Michael and Jane since we moved to our new house. We really like them since they are just sweet and real. My mom made a Chinese dinner for them and they loved it.

Well I used my new sharped lawn mower the very first time. Surely difference was made. Michael told me that only one previous owner tried to do something in our yard but gave up in the half way during the last 12 years since they moved into their house next door. Surely I have no doubt since curb was totally covered by weeds and nothing appeals. It took me a while to trim the edge. Now curb finally appears.

This is something I complain a bit about this hippie town. Somehow people here confuse messy with natural. Garden is a kind of reflection on nature. Neatness and natural is nothing conflict. It is order without order and control without control. That is simply our instinct about the surrounding of our own habitats.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Gettin' clever with those titles Mr. Engrish! I can't believe the bracken is already coming up! Let's go get the ajuba and the stone right away.