I bought this coffee maker for Sammy's several Birthdays ago. Well the handle finally gave up and was broken. Since he has several new toys for coffee making, we retired it into the basement. Then after a while, this handle broken coffee pot showed up again in our kitchen counter. My poor mom turned coffee pot to a tea pot. It is surely not up to Sammy's aesthetic "criteria" to make the cut for our kitchen counter. We hided it away and have not see it in the counter for a good six months.
Well it showed up again. My mom found it and saved it from the fate of dumpster. We lost again. What do we do next? Here it is your reborn.
This is the story of my life! Things that i thought were in the trash, but oops, there it is on the kitchen counter! Well, i suppose it is insulated... but that lid has a big ol crack. I give that lid 6 months before it gets a gross, furry green patina
Julie's hippie garden is the best: because she has nice vegetables mixed in with the perennials...
It might not be safe to use that temp branch handle. If it breaks with a full pot of hot coffee, it might injure somebody close to it.
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