Sunday, June 11, 2006

Rediscover the Virtue of "Be Humble"

I am Chinese and grew up in China until 25. I had been taught to be humble since I ever could remember. My dad would constantly tell me that only being humble would keep you learning from whoever knows what you do not. This is one of core Confucian teachings passed for more than 2000 years. It has had fundamental impact on the livelihood of Chinese people for thousands of years.

Seniors must be respected since they are considered wiser. Teachers need be followed for they might know what we do not. Authorities should be obeyed simply because they have power. are they attributed to the virtue or fault of humbleness? It certainly puzzled my generation.

Before my journey to the States, I was repeatedly told that I had to present the confidence and aggressiveness when I landed the another side of the Pacific ocean. American is the land that authories are challenged(I am not sure that it is always true now). The new journey carried a lot of my anticipation and anxiety. I struggled subconsciously between the culture conflict. It could not be subtler when the mind was searching for the balancing point. That is because I admire the spirit of this young country and cherish the root of my motherland.

Chinese teachers rarely show the exuberance and pile praises on you even you are the best of the best. Alway advise you of more to overcome. American teachers love to encourage with "you are the best" even you might be the worst of the best or whatever. It is not about which one is better. But the difference is what culture can offer.

A genuine humbleness is a beautiful quality of human being. It is the ultimate realization of our strength through the venerability. The more we learn, the more we realize how little we know.

This American journey gives me a chance to rediscover being as a Chinese indeed.


Sam said...

I was talking to Gerry about this the other day mister. There are so many designers (and developers) who don't understand what it is to be humble.

john said...

I believe that many people can learn from being humble.