Thursday, May 25, 2006

Heavenly Peony

It is Spring time once again. I love Spring just as much as I hate it. while a great anticipation waits for re-emerging of all the living creatures, so is the fear of my allergy devil. I just had very nice Spring already in Atlanta. Now I am finding out that I will have another one here in Athens. Somehow, Spring in Athens is a bit behind the one in Atlanta. It is almost June and I am still stuffed up. That does not prevent me from enjoying what this great little town offers.

It is peony heaven. I suddenly realize that gorgeous peony plants are in every corner. And they are so thriving. After all, peony is a plant naturally growing in the north.

It is amazing how much each person can be influenced by his/her background. I grew up in China. However I never saw a single living peony plant in person there since it grows in the north part of Central China(Kafen city in Henan Province - China ancient capital of Tang Dynasty). But it is a symbol of Chinese culture and tradition - an inseparable part of Chinese art forms and unofficial national flower. One of the masterpiece of Chinese play is called "Peony Pavilion".

This flower is just as beautiful in real as in my imagination when I saw it in my yard the very first time. By the way I dug out all my peony root from my Atlanta yard and brought them to Athens. Supposed I should not. oh well.

Sammy and I walked around our neighhood and took some pictures of this incredible flower.

1 comment:

Sam said...

wish we could see our peonies bloom again this year, in our new garden! Oh well. Can't wait to redo that yard with a picket fence, boulders, stone pavers, water, pea gravel, hostas, ferns, monkey grass, peonies, etc....