Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Inspiring Piece

Sammy certainly did great job to give a frame-by-frame story telling of our day. Great job Gay! Gay is Sammy's old sister. Sammy would un-huh, un-huh ... whatever if Gay was on the other end of phone and gave a frame-by-frame of her day, or hour or minute.

Well, Our gang is a neat antique shop. I just can not believe that I am so much into antique shop now. Sammy has the credit. One piece of China certainly caught my eyes. It is beautiful Brown transfer ware made in Dayton, Ohio. It has this elegant classic quality and certainly works with our mod taste. It makes me wish that I was a China designer. It transcends time and ages.

Chinese invented China. I am very proud of my ascestor. However I feel a sense of shame that Chinese did not carry this culture any more. Besides some Chinese collect antique china as a hobby or showing off. I do not think that Chinese nowdays appreciates this heritage as Westener does. When you are invited to a dinner here in America, you will most likely find that a nice set of china is presented and used for the dinner. It can be passed in generations in the family or collected by your host through years. It does not have to be very expensive. Not only it can be enjoyed among friends but also certainly gives a sense of history. For me, that is a good quality of living. Nowadays, newly riched Chinese rarely invites friends to the house for a dinner as when I was a kid. A fancy restaurant is the way to go. It is sad.

Fine living in China is rediscovering of those lost traditions and treasures.

Besides those pieces of china, we went to this crazy garden nursery called GlassHouseWorks. Certainly it is a place that I call it "harmony in mess". My friend Robin's mom Mary defines that place - Gem can be digged up among mostly junks. Mary is an artist and makes a wonderful cat sculptures. She definitely summed up well of this nursery. Those "junks" are equal to mess instead of real junks. But it is an amazing place to get lost. It is the plant lover's wonderland. We got a list of exotic plants to replace my deceased papaya bonsai as following.

I can never remember those plant names. And Here they are:

1. Sempervivum Hybrids Mixed
2. Cotomeaster Microphyllus Thymifolius
3. Kalanchoe Prolifera
4. Lampranthus Curvifolius
5. Kalanchoe Houghtonii

Here is my bonsai reincarnation:


Sam said...

The new bonsai is spectacular honey. I need to help you with your cocktail French, however. I think you meant to say NOUVEAU RICHE instead of "newly riched." Doesn't matter, the meaning still comes through perfectly.

Sam said...

Mister, you need to show these pics to BC and thank her again for sharing the Bonsai sculptures... the bridge, pagoda, people, boats, etc.